The Garment Rack: One Piece Wonderful Bonne Voyage
As the summer makes it's way along, in the northern hemisphere of the United States, I begin to pack up my knicks and knacks to head out for a RL vacation, as my better half did not too long ago. I will not leave you dangling, though and DCNY has made sure of that with the perfect outfit for a sunny, summer, bon voyage!In case you don't hear from me for a while... Vacations are Happy Things!

Shape: by [I.N.X.X] Body Institute in SL (altered)
Skin: Lynnsha by [LS] Skins
Hair: Decent Hair by LeLutka
Outfit: One-Piece Dress by DCNY
Shoes: Ilena Sandals by SLink
Accessories: CEEKEEEY Earrings by Mandala
NB: bold italics indicate featured items/designers
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